
  • International Journal of Management Science

    International Journal of Management Science (IJOMAS) is a ejournal 

  • International Journal of Islamic Economics

    International Journal of Islamic Economics accepts manuscripts whose topics are in range of economic fields and employs standard economics analysis tools focusing on issues pertaining to Philosophy of Islamic Economics, Islamic Economic Thought, Islamic Economics and Contemporary Issues and Islamic philanthropy (zakat, waqf, sadaqah, and infaq). The topics might be an observation of current economic phenomena that highlights the problem of conventional economic system. International Journal of Islamic Economics is a peer-review journal to ensure a fair and critical assessment of the incoming manuscripts. It is expected that more researchers would embark and join International Journal of Islamic Economics as authors, reviewers, and editorial members, to ascertain qualified publication process, so that the pubslihed papers would play a distinct role in making the case for Islamic economic system.

    International Journal of Islamic Economics is published twice a year, July and December. 

  • International Journal of Accounting Review

    The International Journal of Accounting Review is a publication of the AFBESI. The journal is an article published continuously which is intended not only as a place to share ideas, study, and analysis but also as an information channel to improve and develop accounting and finance science. This publication consists of scientific writings in the form of research findings, analysis, application theory, conceptual ideas, new book reviews, bibliography, and practical writing from experts, academics, and practitioners. The published writings have been in the process of editing needed by the publisher without changing the substance of the original script. The writing in each publication is the personal responsibility of the author and it does not reflect the publisher’s idea. 

  • International Journal of Economics and Social Science

    International Journal of Economics and Social Science (IJESS) is a scientific journal published by the AFEBSI, which aims to publish articles of empirical and theoretical studies in the field of ECONOMICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. Editors accept articles in Indonesian and English that were not delivered or published in another journal. Determination of the article that appeared determined by expert editors' review results through a Double-blind review process. International Journal of Economics and Social Science  received writing on the results of studies in the fields of Economics and Social Science, including (but not limited) to the following topics:  Economics and Social Science. International Journal of Economics and Social Science,  Articles will be published in January, March, May, July,  Any interested authors could submit their manuscripts in English.

  • International Journal Of Community Service

    International Journal Of Community Service (IJOCS) is to provide a community service medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of community service results that support high-level community service. Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding all fields Community Service and Social.